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Chiropractor assessing and adjusting, helping the client to heal, grow, be well


Our aim is to help facilitate you to have a well-functioning nervous system and spine (your brain-body, master-control system) that allows you to connect to your own health and wellness needs. Whether you are sick or injured, curious how/if chiropractic can help, or if you’ve been recommended to visit us; we are here to help.

Happy family enjoying life


We provide chiropractic care for newborns, toddlers, kids, kids at heart, athletes, elderly, pregnant families; all ages, shapes and sizes. Please see below for more info on perinatal (pre and post-pregnancy) and pediatric chiropractic care.

Happy Dad with kids


For those interested, we highly recommend checking out subluxation-based research for scientific insights into what we do.

We provide care from an evidence-informed (patient-centered) salutogenic model so you can heal, grow and be the best version of yourself. 

You and your family’s choice and opportunity for holistic healthcare is important, so after a thorough assessment, we serve tonal, manual and/or instrument-assisted chiropractic care to suit your unique presentation and preference (see below for specific techniques).

We have online-booking and insurance direct billing for your convenience. 

Happy healthy newborn baby comfortable


The techniques we use with newborns, toddlers and kids can be very different to the techniques we use with adults. Also, the techniques we use with pregnant families, including Webster, will also be tailored and respect examinations findings and personal health–related goals.


We approach perinatal and pediatric chiropractic care with calmness and observation.  When we observe signs of pain, low morale or challenges to self-regulate, we will introduce and suggest a technique(s) that compliments the individual.


We are here to support you and your family.

For more information, please give us a call.


Drs Eugene and Bronwyn are members of the Chiropractic Cancer Foundation For Children (CCFFC), whose mission is to ensure that all children with cancer have access to free chiropractic care around the world. There is no money exchange for chiropractic care; therefore

eliminating the stress of fees for parents and families.

Click the link below for more information about CCFFC.

Quality time of Dad and son playing together on the floor
Spine and spinal health assessment from observing the person's spine from the back


Chiropractic methods and techniques regularly used in our office may include Gonsteaddiversifiedupper-cervical specificActivator methods, Thompson and Webster; and we have on-site digital X-Rays imaging to aid in the assessment and care of spine and related neuromusculoskeletal health concerns when necessary.


We have male and female chiropractors at our office. While each chiropractor provides care slightly different to another, they all strive to provide your chiropractic care with honesty, integrity, respect, kindness and excellence. Please see their individual profiles on our website for more information.

Profile picture of Dr Eugene van Niekerk, male Chiropractor and Co-Owner of Broadmoor Chiropractic Massage Naturopathy

Dr Eugene van Niekerk,

Co-Owner/ Chiropractor 

Profile picture of Dr Bronwyn Hunt, female Chiropractor and Co-Owner of Broadmoor Chiropractic Massage Naturopathy

Dr Bronwyn Hunt,

Co-Owner/ Chiropractor 

Holding image for Dr Don Nixdorf, who is a long-serving chiropractor of over 50 years, helping spinal healh and spine concerns for the Richomnd and Chiliwack communities

Dr Don Nixdorf,
Associate Chiropractor 

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